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584 Results

  • Comparing two pandemics: A century apart

    … from the past to inform current and future pandemic management, focusing on public health infrastructure, international cooperation, and … need for international cooperation and timely sharing of information. The 1918-19 influenza pandemic's spread was …
  • The Crisis in youth mental health: what can be done?

    … Youth populations worldwide are experiencing a mental health crisis. The 2024 World Happiness report (WHR24) found … Significant factors impacting young people’s mental health and wellbeing include the effect of child poverty, … Author details Ronan Payinda , Chair, Public Health Association of New Zealand Youth Caucus, and Medical Student, …
  • Should NZ spend relatively more health resources on improving men’s health?

    … that NZ needs to keep addressing ethnic inequalities in health as an important priority. Nevertheless, gender … considers the major risk factors determining poorer male health. It then discusses if there is a plausible case for … light system – see a previous blog . Further improving the management of cardiovascular risk in those at high risk of …
  • Insights into health system costs of living and dying in New Zealand – New study

    … in the NZ Medical Journal shows how public spending on health varies markedly by age and proximity to death ( Blakely et al 2014, health system costs ). It raises interesting questions about … best use of taxpayer funds for preventing and treating ill health. In this blog we detail the main findings of this …
  • Preventing diabetes: What does the latest modelling evidence tell us about health gains and cost savings?

    … to prevent type 2 diabetes could substantially benefit health, reduce health inequalities, and save billions in health sector costs for NZ. In 2013-2014, it was estimated …
  • Vaping needs much tighter regulation as we approach Smokefree Aotearoa 2025: Two new studies

    … new insights into the impact vaping may have on public health. The first estimates that use of modern vaping devices could be around a third as harmful to health as smoking. The second uses these findings to estimate the net health and cost impacts for NZ of vaping devices having …
  • Nationwide Colorectal Screening in New Zealand: a tricky balance of improving overall population health and addressing inequalities

    … is highly likely to be cost-effective, and will offer health gains to all screened population groups. However, … have been less successful in engaging with Māori, the health gains for the Māori population in New Zealand will be … screening programme will increase inequalities in overall health for Māori compared to the rest of the population.   …
  • Health system costs in NZ: variation by sex, age & proximity to death

    … blog aims to discuss a study we recently published on NZ health system cost estimates by sex, age and proximity to … appropriate. Third, there is concern about ballooning health system expenditure due to population aging – but one … in the future. We probed Treasury estimates of future Vote:Health funding, and suggest their models slightly …
  • Emphasis on indigenous forests in ETS would benefit public health

    … to the review . We touch on the impacts to human health from climate change and then outline the problems for public health from landscapes dominated by monocultural forestry. We highlight the public health and other co-benefits from redesigning the ETS to …
  • Concluding the Public Health Solutions Series 

    … Over the last five weeks, Public Health Expert blog has published ten invited blogs on the best public health interventions the G overnment can put in place to reduce pressure on the health system.        As highlighted in the media this week, …


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