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584 Results

  • Carcinogen exposure in Aotearoa workplaces is unacceptably high

    … levels of exposure, and creating an Aotearoa Occupational Health Service, with a focus on establishing lifetime access … on overseas estimates applied to Aotearoa New Zealand health data. Establishing the number of workplace injuries … Aotearoa-specific data for the estimates presented above, information on (at the very least) Group 1 and 2A …
  • The long shadow of war on the health of military personnel

    … then asks more broadly what is known about the longer term health outcomes for military personnel participating in war – … comparison group is used. So what is known about long-term health impacts of combat experience? For veterans of WWI, the … “the majority of studies suggested a small-to-moderate association between combat exposure and postdeployment …
  • Establishing Long COVID services in Aotearoa NZ – what can we learn from overseas?

    … and many countries are establishing dedicated health services to support people with the condition. In this … decline in everyday functioning. 2 Further up-to-date information on Long COVID (LC) can be read here . … about the condition, development of pathways for self-management, and local clinical pathways for signposting or …
  • Digesting things further: High dietary salt intakes are almost certainly problematic

    … We recently did a blog post on dietary salt and health , particularly with regard to a new large prospective … the totality of the available evidence is sufficient for health authorities to continue taking a range of … levels of sodium intake: “Spline curves supported a linear association of sodium with cardiovascular events, which …
  • BODE3 Interactive League Table Series: Prevention versus treatment, voluntary versus mandatory, targeted versus untargeted – can we generalize?

    … what approaches might typically generate the most health gain and be best value-for-money. In two of the … we have overviewed the concept of league tables to compare health sector interventions, and provided a ‘mini-user guide’ … breast cancer patients in the next 50+ years combined. The health gains from prevention are often decades away (although …
  • Is Euthanasia a health priority for New Zealand at present?

    … benefit a small number of older educated white people. The health system is currently significantly stretched by the … to implement some of the findings of the Simpson review on health system reform. Arguably more suffering would be … medication. As the regular doctor they will already have information relating to all the matters to be considered; …
  • Front-of-pack nutrition labels improve understanding but don’t improve healthy food choices; Starlight Trial just published

    Health Star Rating and Traffic Light nutrition labels have a … allocated to one of three labels: Traffic Light labels, Health Star Rating labels, or Nutrition Information Panels. Participants used their smartphones to …
  • The Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty and tobacco: no cause to celebrate

    … Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Treaty means for public health. Despite the partial exemption of investor-state … between agreements such as the TPP and public health in general are left untouched.   The Trans Pacific … Edwards, but he of course is not responsible for the information and opinions in this work, which are the authors. …
  • Ethnic inequalities in mortality in NZ and how to reduce them further

    … factors between ethnic groups, improving access to health services, tobacco control and addressing the … are increasingly leading to widening inequalities in health (1). Other recent research highlights the overall importance of inequalities to health, with a meta-analysis reporting that low …
  • Evidence supports a proposed Parliamentary Bill to reduce harm from alcohol sponsorship of sport

    … by three Government-commissioned bodies and the World Health Organization. Viable sponsorship replacement models … is an important step in the right direction to improving health equity. Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick recently announced a … on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship, 2 the 2018 Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry 3 and the World Health


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