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Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) has had high rates of community antibiotic dispensing for many years, much of it for patients with self-limiting viral respiratory tract infections, for which antibiotic “treatment” provides no benefit. 

An unavoidable consequence of the high rate of community antibiotic use in NZ is that the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in common bacterial pathogens is much higher than in other countries where antibiotics are less frequently prescribed for illnesses for which they provide no benefit.

Influential healthcare leaders in NZ, such as Te Whatu Ora and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, should set goals to strongly encourage sustained cumulative reductions in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing. Evidence from other countries shows that large reductions in community antibiotic use can be achieved without adverse consequences. 

Failure to dramatically reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in NZ will impose a high cost in increased death and disability from untreatable bacterial infections in the coming decades. This cost will inevitably fall hardest on those communities with the highest overall rates of antibiotic use, currently Pacific and Māori whānau.

The problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) covers resistance to all drugs used to treat microbial infections, including antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals.  This article focuses on the relentless evolution and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria which is an increasing threat to our ability to effectively treat many bacterial infections. 

Most antibiotics were discovered and developed during the 20th century but in recent decades very few new antibiotics have been developed.1 Unfortunately, the low financial rewards from development of new antibiotics are not sufficient to encourage pharmaceutical companies to expand their efforts to develop new antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance becomes more common infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria will increasingly cause death and disability, as they did in the pre-antibiotic era.

Antibiotic resistance occurs because antibiotic use kills or inhibits the growth of susceptible bacteria but allows resistant bacteria to thrive and spread. The magnitude of this effect varies between bacterial species, and between antibiotic medicines. For example, when penicillin first became available in the 1940s, it was able to kill more than 99.9% of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the common cause of boils, styes, and infections of damaged skin. Now, 90% of S. aureus bacteria are resistant to penicillin. S. aureus bacteria have gone on to develop resistance to many other antibiotics, and methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) bacteria are an increasing cause of death worldwide.3 (see Appendix for further background). 

It is a very common belief that antibiotic treatments which are prescribed by a doctor, and are taken for the recommended number of days, do not contribute to antibiotic resistance. This is a myth. All antibiotic treatments lead to a marked reduction in the number of antibiotic susceptible bacteria throughout a person’s body, while the antibiotic resistant bacteria multiply to higher concentrations. The increased density of antibiotic resistant bacteria on and in the treated person results in an increased risk of spread from the treated person to other people. People who have received antibiotics have a markedly increased rate of infection caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria for many months after the treatment course.4 Furthermore, their household members and members of their community are also at increased risk of colonisation and infection caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria – even if they haven’t taken antibiotics themselves.5,6 The unavoidable consequence is that communities with high rates of antibiotic treatment have high rates of infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. 

For many years, when compared with all other European nations, the overall community rate of antibiotic treatment has been very high in Greece and very low in the Netherlands and Sweden. Not surprisingly the rates of infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria have been high in Greece and low in the Netherlands and Sweden.7

Unfortunately the overall rates of community antibiotic use in NZ have been high for many years and in consequence we have high rates of antibiotic resistance.Figure 1 shows that the relatively high community rates of dispensing of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics in NZ have led to relatively high rates of reduced sensitivity to penicillin in Streptococcus pneumoniae (the most important cause of pneumonia, otitis media and bacterial meningitis) and high rates of methicillin resistance in S. aureus

AMR flourish

A large proportion of community antibiotic use in NZ, perhaps as much as half, is for people who have self-limiting viral respiratory infections such as coughs, colds, and sore throats, that pose essentially no risk of harm, and that are not improved by antibiotic “treatment”. 

We should aim to rapidly reduce our rates of futile antibiotic prescribing for these self-limiting viral infections. A recently launched website (Antibiotic Conservation Aotearoa) provides a wide range of user-friendly resources to encourage reduced rates of antibiotic prescribing for people with upper respiratory tract infections such as sore throat, colds, otitis media, and cough.8 

Antibiotic Conservation Aotearoa ad
Antibiotic Conservation Aotearoa ad

However, a similarly large proportion of community antibiotic use in NZ is to treat bacterial infections that may have a significant impact on the health of the unwell person. Any reductions in this antibiotic use may harm the health of the unwell person. And there are some conditions for which increased antibiotic use could significantly improve the health of people in NZ. For example, the persistently high rates of rheumatic fever,and of admission to hospital for skin and soft tissue infection, in Pacific and Māori children,10 suggest a need for better targeted community antibiotic treatment of Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis and for bacterial skin infections.

As discussed in a recent article in the New Zealand Medical Journal, rapid large reductions in rates of community antibiotic dispensing have occurred in many other countries when highly respected and influential national organisations have set ambitious goals for reductions in community antibiotic prescribing.7 Similar reductions in total antibiotic prescribing rates could be readily achieved in NZ, if prescribers committed to prescribing antibiotics only for patients with conditions in which antibiotics provide a health benefit. Such an approach would require prescribers to explain to their patients that while antibiotic “treatment” provides no benefit for viral respiratory infections, it commonly causes adverse effects, and inevitably promotes the spread of antibiotic resistance. 

The need to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescribing has been highlighted by a number of national and international organisations over the past decade. The table below links to several examples.

Year  Report/statementOrganisation
2015Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance: avoiding a post-antibiotic eraRoyal New Zealand College of General Practitioners12
2016Tackling drug-resistant infections globally: final report and recommendations. The review on  antimicrobial resistance.UK Government, Wellcome Trust13
2016Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Control: Limiting the burden of antimicrobial resistance in New ZealandRoyal New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine14
2016Global action plan on antimicrobial resistanceWorld Health Organization15
2017New Zealand Antimicrobial Resistance Action PlanMinistry for Primary Industries & Ministry of Health11
2017Antimicrobial resistance—Implications for New ZealandersRoyal Society Te Apārangi16 
2019Policy Statement on Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Control - UpdatedRoyal New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine17
2021Kotahitanga: Uniting Aotearoa against infectious disease and antimicrobial resistanceOffice of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor18
2022Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysisInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), and collaborators19

While Te Whatu Ora and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners have expressed support for efforts to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use in NZ,11,12 neither organisation has provided strong leadership for change. It is long past time for both these organisations to actively encourage significant reductions in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in NZ. 

NZ should review its systems for managing and monitoring antimicrobial prescribing and AMR to identify useful improvement. For example, there is international evidence showing that levels of AMR are associated with AMR governance arrangements, for example across European counties.20 There is an opportunity for NZ to learn from best international practice in such areas.

What this Briefing adds

  • Antimicrobial resistance poses a growing threat to public health both in NZ and globally.
  • Rates of community antibiotic use in NZ have been high for many years.
  • Reducing the inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics—for example, to treat viral respiratory infections—can safely reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Implications for policy and practice

  • Influential healthcare leaders in NZ, such as Te Whatu Ora and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, should set goals to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing.
  • NZ should review its AMR governance to identify opportunities for ‘best practice’ improvements.

Authors details

Assoc Prof Mark Thomas, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland

Assoc Prof Stephen Ritchie, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland

Dr Juliet Elvy, Clinical Microbiologist, Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)

Dr Kristin Dyet, Senior Scientist, Health and Environment, Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)


Antibiotics are medicines that effectively treat infections caused by bacteria. They greatly increase the probability of surviving severe bacterial illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis and peritonitis. They are also very useful for preventing bacterial infections that might otherwise occur following major surgery, or in people whose treatment to control cancer or other diseases may drastically weaken their immune defences and increase their risk of severe infections. 

A huge number of bacterial species commonly live on the skin and in the intestines of humans, where they usually cause no harm, and often contribute greatly to the health of the colonised person. Even without intimate contact these colonising bacteria are readily spread from person to person, so that all residents of a home usually are colonised by similar populations of bacteria.5 A small proportion of the bacterial species that colonise humans can escape from the skin or intestines and infect other tissues, such as the lungs, or damaged skin, or bladder, and cause harmful infections in these sites. 

The very fast reproductive rate of bacteria, many of which double in number every 20-30 minutes, allows for the rapid evolution and spread of mutant bacteria that have a survival advantage. Mutant bacteria that have a survival advantage arise relatively infrequently, but once they have arisen they often spread rapidly to outnumber their ancestral predecessors. 

When a person takes an antibiotic the effect of the antibiotic is not limited to the site of the infection, nor to the bacterial species causing the infection for which the antibiotic was prescribed. Instead, the effect of the antibiotic treatment occurs throughout the body and is just as great for all the many species of bacteria that colonise the patient’s skin and intestines, as for the bacteria causing a harmful infection in some other organ. Antibiotic treatment of a sore throat, a bladder infection, or an infected finger will dramatically, and often for several months, throughout the body, reduce the proportion of colonising bacteria that are susceptible to the antibiotic and increase the proportion of bacteria that are resistant.

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Public Health Expert Briefing (ISSN 2816-1203)


  1. Cook MA & Wright GD. The past, present, and future of antibiotics. Science Translational Medicine 2022; 14:1-12. 
  2. O'Neill J, Davies S, Rex J, et al. The review on antimicrobial resistance: tackling drug-resistant infections globally: final report and recommendations. 2016. At:
  3. GBD 2019 Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators. Global mortality associated with 33 bacterial pathogens in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.  Lancet 2022; 400: 2221-48. 
  4. Costelloe C, Metcalfe C, Lovering A, et al. Effect of antibiotic prescribing in primary care on antimicrobial resistance in individual patients: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal 2010; 340: c2096. 
  5. Rothschild D, Weissbrod O, Barkan E, et al. Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota. Nature 2018; 555: 210-5. 
  6. Low M, Neuberger A, Hooton TM, et al. Association between urinary community-acquired fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli and neighbourhood antibiotic consumption: a population-based case-control study. Lancet Infectious Disease 2019; 1: 419-28.
  7. Thomas MG. Improving community antibiotic prescribing to keep antibiotics working in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal 2024;137 (1592):90-9. At: :
  8. Antibiotic Conservation Aotearoa. At: 
  9. Bennett J, Zhang J, Leung W, et al. Rising ethnic inequalities in acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, New Zealand, 2000-2018. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2021;27:36-46.
  10. Williamson DA, Ritchie SR, Lennon D, et al. Increasing incidence and sociodemographic variation in community-onset Staphylococcus aureus skin and soft tissue infections in New Zealand children. Ped Infect Dis J 2013;32:923-5.
  11. Ministry of Health & Ministry for Primary Industries. Antimicrobial Resistance: New Zealand’s current situation and identified areas for action. 2017.
  12. Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. Policy Brief: Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance: avoiding a post-antibiotic era. 2015.
  13. Government of the United Kingdom. Tackling drug-resistant infections globally: final report and recommendations. 2016.
  14. Royal New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine. Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Control: Limiting the burden of antimicrobial resistance in New Zealand (Archived). 2016.
  15. World Health Organization.  Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance. 2016.
  16. Royal Society Te Apārangi. Antimicrobial resistance—Implications for New Zealanders. 2017.
  17. Royal New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine. Antimicrobial resistance – 2019 update – provisos: New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine Policy Statement on Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Control. 2019.
  18. Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. Kotahitanga: Uniting Aotearoa against infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance. 2021.
  19. Murray CJ, Ikuta KS, Sharara F, Swetschinski L, Aguilar GR, Gray A, Han C, Bisignano C, Rao P, Wool E, Johnson SC. Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis. The Lancet. 2022 Feb 12;399(10325):629-55.
  20. Pierre J, Carelli D, Peters BG. The four worlds of politics and administration in the EU: how institutional arrangements shape the struggle against antimicrobial resistance. Journal of European Public Policy. 2023 Sep 7:1-28.

About the Briefing

Public health expert commentary and analysis on the challenges facing Aotearoa New Zealand and evidence-based solutions.


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