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310 Results

  • Dropping the ball on measles? Aotearoa must close an ‘immunity gap’ to avoid a measles epidemic

    … immunity gap Closing the immunity gap for those born from 2016 is the highest priority to prevent a measles epidemic. … but with immunisation coverage low for those born since 2016 (8-year-olds and younger), that protection is largely … 2000. For the age group of most concern, those born from 2016 there were 531 notifications. Assuming only half the …
  • A preventable measles epidemic: Lessons for reforming public health in NZ

    … at least 2,180 notified cases in 2019 which is the largest annual number since measles became notifiable in 1996 (Figure … 1).  The 765 hospitalisations in 2019 is the highest annual total for 40 years (Figure 1). This epidemic resulted …
  • SARS-CoV-2: A modern Greek Tragedy?

    … was closely overseen by China’s government. In fact  a new report  just published in the  Bulletin of the Atomic … conditions, but in a more lax BSL 2 environment. The full report in all its forensic detail is  available here . So who …
  • Urgent action needed to prevent a measles epidemic in Aotearoa New Zealand

    … for treatment of complications. 4 Figure 1.  Measles annual incidence of notified and hospitalised cases, 1980 to … limited community spread (cohorts born from 2011-2016 having close to 95% immunity). Transmission stopped in … children born since 2005. 30 Those born between 2011 and 2016 (approximately) had close to the 95% target with two …
  • Cycling and walking in six NZ cities: Where are we at?

    … (see Figure 1 above), however Tauranga and Hamilton also report 100km of on-street cycle lanes each. Physically … 5km. New methods for NZ To obtain the information for the report we surveyed councils, collected information from … is important for cycling and walking levels (4-6). This report is the first attempt to try and systematically …
  • Five Strategic Approaches to Achieving the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Goal

    … largely derived from interventions recommend in the ASAP Report, which was prepared by a broad-based collaborative … system to reduce retailer numbers to the required level. Annual licence fees reported for various jurisdictions … cost of nicotine product use. We suggest reinstating the annual above inflation tax increases combined with …
  • Smoking and vaping among 14 to 15 year olds: Government action urgently needed

    … account for a substantial proportion of young people who report vaping daily (explained further in the Appendix below … and addiction. Young people who vape daily often report intense physical cravings, and recount how vaping … new in this Briefing? The proportion of young people that report vaping daily and that have never smoked has risen …
  • Hearing loss & social isolation – the silent burden

    … (4). In Māori populations, 32% over the age of 65 years report experiencing hearing loss, relative to 28% for all New … experienced due to increased listening effort; a common report from those who are hearing impaired (12). Further, … such interventions. One recommendation for the 2021 World Report on Hearing was to ‘strengthen health systems to …
  • Poor ventilation in public transport settings in Aotearoa NZ: New data for buses and trains

    … Summary In this Briefing we report on carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) levels in public transport … of overseas studies are included in Querol et al. 4 They report results for buses: 1039 ppm (average, Barcelona, … ppm (average, Nanjing and Xuzhou, China). For trains they report: 1110 to 1270 ppm (averages, metro in Beijing, China); …
  • Strong public support for healthy food policies in Aotearoa

    … drinks.  That is just one of the takeaways from a recent report from Te Rōpū Rangahau ō Te Kāhui Matepukupuku (Cancer … better management of the food environment in Aotearoa. The report’s findings provide a clear mandate to the new … Zealand. Appendix: Survey methods Taken from the original report: Public awareness of cancer risk factors & support for …


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