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628 Results

  • Tobacco product innovation in a smokefree world. Oxymoron or commercial cynicism?

    … Gendall Major tobacco companies have presented a vision of a smokefree world, where smoking prevalence has fallen to … strategy confirms long-held doubts about the sincerity of tobacco companies’ intentions.  We report on our recently … to non-smokers and smokers. Philip Morris’s establishment of the Foundation for a Smokefree World (FSFW) recognises …
  • New standardised packaging regulations: Some good steps, but many missed opportunities

    … late 2012, and early evaluations already show knowledge of how smoking’s harms has increased while the appeal of smoking has declined. Despite desperate attempts by … should now establish a programme to support the rapid development and introduction of new warnings so these feature …
  • Smokefree cars legislation: Should the new government make this a priority?

    … the case for the prioritisation by the new Government of a law for smokefree cars carrying children. This would …   The new government has many problems to address. Years of minimal legislation for population health means that the … infant death, among many other conditions.[1] The amount of tobacco smoke pollution in cars can be worse than in the …
  • Bowel cancer screening – An interesting new US study and thoughts about the NZ situation

    … a top US journal (JAMA). We discuss the cost-effectiveness of such screening and consider the current NZ context for … exception is colorectal cancer screening. A recent review of screening programmes , by public health practitioners, cast out the majority of screening programmes we embark upon in health as of
  • Fighting cold, damp housing – a big tick for Warmer Kiwi programme

    … in Aotearoa. The programme will also be lowering the risk of respiratory disease caused by our damp, cold houses. … Study team worked to determine if the health and wellbeing of people in households improve when they their homes are … heating, especially given the ongoing climate and cost of living crises. To address this need, in the recent Budget …
  • A policy and research agenda for roll-your-own tobacco

    … (1). Existing measures have tackled different facets of tobacco marketing, with plain packaging reducing a potent form of tobacco marketing and excise tax increases making smoking … which are typically around half to two-thirds the size of TM cigarettes (3,4). RYO use is higher among younger …
  • Media release: Increases in speed limits: Unjust and unjustifiable

    … the Government’s decision to move ahead with the increase of speed limits, announced at the weekend, and strong global … speed limits in New Zealand’s Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 comes under the scrutiny of an injury epidemiologist and others in  the latest …
  • New Zealand doing okay in cancer survival: Results from the largest ever cross-national comparison of cancer survival

    … (CONCORD-2). Never before has such a comparable set of survival estimates been available. And New Zealand does okay – not top of the list, but okay. We are usually worse than the country … pathways incremental increases in access to treatment, the development of tumour standards which provide an indication …
  • Being forced to leave your rental home can harm health

    … situation. We argue that reducing the incidence and impact of evictions is an important public health and social welfare … It also supports mental health through providing a sense of identity, a point for social contact, and protection from … and is a fairly common experience. A representative survey of New Zealand tenants showed that a quarter left their last …
  • What will it take to get to under 5% smoking prevalence 2025? Lots of cessation.

    … Tony Blakely The New Zealand Government has a goal of a Smokefree Nation by 2025, often interpreted as a smoking prevalence of less than 5% by 2025.    This should be a major focus of the New Zealand contingent at the Smokefree Oceania …


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