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604 Results

  • Media release: Rise in congenital syphilis requires action – experts

    … There is a global resurgence of syphilis that is having inequitable … of pregnancy could help. Congenital syphilis occurs when a mother with syphilis passes the infection on to her baby during pregnancy. Prior to 2017 …
  • Media release: NZ could eliminate the deadly meningococcal disease

    … epidemiology. “If we combine that infrastructure with a strategic increase in funding and availability of meningococcal vaccines, we have the building blocks for a highly effective programme to end this devastating but … costly for families to self-fund. What this means is that often, the families who need these vaccines the most can’t …
  • Young New Zealanders want a tobacco-free future - new research

    … survey conducted in Aotearoa in August-September 2023. A storm of protest has erupted following the announcement … to be reduced to very low and non-addictive levels, and a smokefree generation policy making it illegal to sell smoked tobacco products to people born on or after 1 January 2009. New research  New research released …
  • Food and beverage taxes for a healthier diet: The Pacific experience

    … New Zealand (NZ), the Pacific and globally we are seeing a growing impact of the food environment on chronic disease … Indeed, leaders of Pacific Island countries have declared a non-communicable disease (NCD) crisis 1; 2 reflecting the … (typically 20+% of shelf price) that are expected to make a meaningful impact on the consumption of unhealthy food …
  • BODE3 Interactive League Table Series: Prevention versus treatment, voluntary versus mandatory, targeted versus untargeted – can we generalize?

    … to compare health sector interventions, and provided a ‘mini-user guide’ for the BODE 3 Interactive League Table. … 50+ years combined. The health gains from prevention are often decades away (although colorectal cancer screening gets … per QALY (figure below).  The preventive interventions are often cost-saving because the future health system cost …
  • Can we manage dual use of smoking and vaping more effectively?

    … smokers want to quit, why do so many continue to smoke after they start vaping? While some period of dual use is … period, reduce the possibility smokers will plateau at a lower level of smoking and not go on to quit, and provide … participants to fulfil these rituals, and participants often reverted back to smoking a cigarette at key moments, …
  • Protecting hapu māmā and newborn babies through immunisation during pregnancy in Aotearoa New Zealand

    … are an unborn child’s first immunisation event. They are a safe, effective way of protecting hapū māmā (pregnant … the first months of life when they are vulnerable to infection but not yet old enough to be immunised themselves. … 2) at: and a summary of immunisation coverage from 2013–2020 can be …
  • Patterns of declining smoking in NZ – But more action needed by the New Government

    … Survey indicate recent ongoing declines in smoking, with a graph below of the trends since 2012 (tabulated data in the … the 15-24 and 25-34 year age groups. This suggests that a relatively important part of the reduced smoking prevalence … is due to reduced uptake (as opposed to quitting). A range of factors including specific tobacco control …
  • Protecting children and young people from unethical junk food marketing: Upgrading the advertising codes

    … Although public health experts would generally favour a regulatory approach (given the lack of evidence for an … tougher restrictions on junk food marketing to children. A Horizon Research poll conducted last year found 41% of … harmful impacts (4, 5), it may arguably be regarded as a form of exploitation (6). Under the UN Convention of the …
  • Standardised packaging: A new era in reducing tobacco marketing in NZ

    … the new packs into quit attempts. 5 Second, by developing a thoughtful evaluation plan, and third, by ensuring frequent … people’s perceptions of smoking to be compared before and after the policy introduction, and resources must be … with other cessation providers could be studied before and after the policy change, to document quit attempts and the …


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