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604 Results

  • The health impacts of the First World War for NZ: A Review

    … health impacts. Impact for military personnel who left NZ A summary of the health impacts for military personnel who … kept dying from war-related causes for many years after the end of the war. Such deaths were because of their … of military personnel from the whole war (including deaths after the armistice) 18,166 Still not counted in this total …
  • Smartphone apps for weight loss and smoking cessation

    … and smoking cessation well-designed? We were involved in a study published in last Friday’s NZ Medical Journal that tried to answer that question from a NZ public health perspective. In this blog we discuss what … price signals (e.g., tobacco tax increases [2,3]) and a healthier food environment (prices, marketing controls, and …
  • Good news on declining smoking rates, especially for Māori. Is it credible? What next?

    … what else could be done to accelerate progress towards a smokefree nation.   Statistics New Zealand has released … current smokers on Census night in March of 2013.  That is a fall in the absolute number of smokers of 22.6% since 2006 … growth in the adult population between censuses, that is a 24.4% fall (or a 4.4 percentage point fall) in the smoking …
  • Wellbeing in public housing vs. private rentals: Quality and security make the difference

    … is higher. The evidence indicates that secure tenure is a factor in explaining why wellbeing of tenants is higher in … higher level of wellbeing in public housing is despite the often-severe hardships people face before securing their … instance, using GSS data,  Anastasiadis et al 1  show that after public housing placement, tenants experienced a
  • The case for tobacco supply restrictions

    … selling tobacco.  Retail supply restrictions are both a logical component of policies that will achieve a tobacco-free New Zealand by 2025, and what the majority of … which we can access them, is also very important.  Nearly a century ago, Robert Woodruff, chairman of the Coca-Cola …
  • Why don’t we live as long and healthily as we could: social values and decision making

    … even provide free mass treatment to middle age people with a sprinkling of aspirin and lipid lowering drugs – all in just one tablet a day.  So why don’t we do this? Many reasons, not least of … with absolute power.  And more substantively, we live in a society with social values that are not just about …
  • How should we manage the harm caused by tobacco product waste?

    … that smoking caused lung cancer and other serious (and often fatal) illnesses. Advertising at the time declared … health” and sought to reassure smokers that switching to a filtered option was an alternative to quitting, 1 even … leaching toxic chemicals into the soil before being often swept into waste water systems and out to sea, where …
  • Where do the parties stand? – Introducing our election series

    … In the lead-up to the election, we will be publishing a series of articles analysing political party responses to … inequity, and transport.  He hauora te taonga   Health is a treasure. Good health and wellbeing is one of the most … families/whānau, the people around us, and the nation as a whole. Health is not just about hospitals and doctors, what …
  • Health co-benefits need to be adequately considered in the Climate Change Commission’s final advice

    … from its economic analyses, which currently predict a reduction in GDP of 0.2-1.0% in 2035 and 0.3-0.7% in 2050. … Government made incremental improvements by acknowledging a broader range of evidence on the health co-benefits of … products were omitted. One NZ modelling study estimated a population shift towards plant-based diets could result in …
  • Clean ups are not enough: Government policy incoherent on climate change

    … appears not to be making these connections, bringing in a range of policies likely to increase the country’s … climate change Policy responses to climate change are too often separated into prevention (mitigation) and improved … another recent storm in Tairāwhiti and Hawkes Bay so soon after Cyclone Gabrielle is a stark indication of the …


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