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184 Results

  • Testing for COVID-19 in NZ to achieve the elimination goal

    … to both identify cases in the community as part of the COVID-19 elimination strategy, and to confirm when the virus … NZ has adopted an elimination strategy towards the COVID-19 pandemic (as some of us just recently detailed in a … assurance of elimination.   Critical characteristics of COVID-19 to first consider There have been clusters of …
  • Pandemic terminology: getting it right matters for effective risk communication and management

    … success story by ending community transmission of COVID-19. While there have been some well-publicised recent … international collaborators and the NZ public on key COVID-19 risk management issues. Clear communication with the public is critical for managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, it appears to have been a major …
  • COVID-19 hospitalisation peaks in Australian States since Omicron emerged: potential relevance to Aotearoa NZ

    … hospitalisation and ICU burden from the recent waves of COVID-19 in Australia, dominated by the Omicron variant. The … NZ Omicron wave. Australia is in the middle of a COVID-19 wave, predominantly fuelled by the new Omicron … have increased exponentially with ~2.31 million confirmed COVID-19 cases occurring in the last two months, …
  • NZ’s COVID-19 response compared to selected other jurisdictions: Australia, Taiwan and the United States

    … Media discourse in NZ has involved comparing NZ’s COVID-19 response with a range of other jurisdictions, … country data with NZ having the lowest mortality rate from COVID-19 in this grouping [1]. But over the last six months … discourse in NZ has particularly involved comparing NZ’s COVID-19 response with a smaller range of jurisdictions, …
  • The long-term health burden of COVID-19: further justification for NZ’s elimination strategy

    … burden of symptoms and disease in survivors of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these symptoms point to damage in … for Aotearoa/New Zealand to persist with its successful COVID-19 elimination strategy. Following clear and focused … scientific advice, New Zealand chose to meet the current COVID-19 pandemic with an elimination strategy. As we have …
  • Improving NZ Government communication about COVID-19: Five suggestions

    … quality communication by the NZ Government for much of the COVID-19 pandemic has been remarked on. But given that the … important of these would be to further depoliticise the COVID-19 response. Overall, Aotearoa NZ has done very well with its COVID-19 pandemic response and it is typically ranked in the …
  • COVID-19 in Aotearoa: what does public health do now?

    … an incredible contribution to minimising the impact of COVID-19 in Aotearoa. But the work for public health is not … 10,000-20,000 deaths have been averted by keeping COVID-19 largely out of our communities until now. Critical … case and contact management for Auckland cases. How long COVID-19 can be kept out of further regions is unclear, but …
  • The Omicron waves – Comparing Aotearoa NZ and Australia in four key graphs

    … In this blog we explore the first Covid-19 Omicron variant waves in Australia and Aotearoa New … health measures established to protect New Zealanders from Covid-19, the country is still experiencing its worst nationwide Covid-19 outbreak. This outbreak is  almost entirely fuelled …
  • The need for an updated strategic approach to Covid-19 control in Aotearoa NZ

    … to have drifted into an unclear strategic approach to Covid-19 control. In this blog we outline one potential way … that show that successful internal border control of Covid-19 is possible. Until very recently, Aotearoa NZ was clearly using an elimination strategy for Covid-19 control. Also, the Government had released (in …
  • Mortality declines in Aotearoa NZ during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic

    … In this blog we review the impact of Aotearoa NZ’s Covid-19 response strategies on mortality patterns during the … current Omicron wave.     Over the last two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, NZ has used a range of public health … that have played a direct role in keeping mortality from Covid-19 relatively low compared to other nations. For …


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