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628 Results

  • Preventing diabetes: What does the latest modelling evidence tell us about health gains and cost savings?

    … Approximately 5.5% of NZ adults have been diagnosed with diabetes. In this blog … that suggests that further investment in interventions of proven effectiveness to prevent type 2 diabetes could … intervention and drug treatment to prevent or delay the development of diabetes in high risk adults [6]. The DPP …
  • Should smokefree indoor areas = vapefree areas?

    … The NZ Ministry of Health is currently reviewing public submissions on … consultation raises questions about how the wider uptake of e-cigarette use (known as “vaping”) will be managed. In … laws and policies. It is timely that the Ministry of Health is considering whether and how to allow access to …
  • Optimising the effects of plain packaging for tobacco – making Quitline information more salient

    … Given plain packaging of tobacco products will likely increase the tension many … to try and quit, could increase the number and success of quit attempts. This blog post details a just published … packaging regulations improve the current presentation of Quitline information and provide smokers with support to …
  • Lessons From history: Helping New Zealand prepare for future influenza pandemics

    … in the last 100 years that have reached New Zealand. Of these, the 1918 one was by far the most severe – in fact … history with over 8500 deaths (almost one percent of the population at the time). The most recent influenza … pandemics could even pose existential risks to the future of human civilisation (pandemics are included in this list of
  • What does the novel coronavirus epidemic mean for New Zealand?

    … threat to global health where collaboration and sharing of information benefits all nations. Here I briefly summarise … coronavirus (2019-nCoV) that emerged in Wuhan at the end of 2019 we are learning more about its pandemic potential … with every passing day. The most important measure of severity is the fatality risk. Currently this is about 4% …
  • The case for tobacco supply restrictions

    … It is now time to reduce the number and density of retail outlets selling tobacco.  Retail supply restrictions are both a logical component of policies that will achieve a tobacco-free New Zealand by 2025, and what the majority of consumers want. Marketing is predicated on largely …
  • The Smokefree Generation: A core measure in New Zealand’s endgame strategy

    … low nicotine cigarettes, large reductions in the number of outlets selling tobacco, and the introduction of a Smokefree Generation (SFG) policy. In this blog, we … that sustain these reductions by preventing recruitment of ‘replacement smokers’, on whom tobacco companies’ …
  • Will regular tobacco tax increases get NZ to the tobacco endgame?

    … journal Tobacco Control , we examined the potential role of increasing tobacco tax for achieving an end to the tobacco … is to be achieved by 2025. In this blog we discuss some of the modelling results and also the other policy options … evidence is that increasing tobacco tax is one of the most important single tobacco control measures. Its …
  • Smoking prevalence and trends: key findings in the 2022/23 NZ Health Survey

    … high among Māori and people experiencing higher levels of deprivation. The findings support implementing the key … repealing.    Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable disease and death in Aotearoa New Zealand.  Previous analyses of the New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) revealed a steady …
  • Embracing downward counterfactual analysis to navigate future cyclones

    … scenarios include higher storm severity (as per aspects of some previous cyclones), worse timing, hitting Auckland … poorer response by the public and authorities. This type of downward counterfactual analysis should be conducted for … other disasters to better inform a wider range and depth of future disaster mitigation efforts. In February 2023, …


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