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604 Results

  • Calculating cardiovascular risk with online calculators – scope for improvement?

    … individual risk of future cardiovascular events with a large number of online calculators – including a NZ-specific calculator that has been available for some … and to prevent clotting (e.g., via low-dose aspirin). A large number of online CVD risk calculators currently exist …
  • Breaking the inequity loop

    … The all-of-population approach has failed for more than a century to address Māori health inequalities. Government … still trying to count Māori properly 5 – suggest that after falling by more than two-thirds from around 150,000 … Authority with a budget to commission work programmes – is often toxically reframed as Māori privilege.  This kind of …
  • COVID-19 in Aotearoa: what does public health do now?

    … health is not over. As the situation in Auckland heralds a transition point in our approach to the pandemic, the … levels of vaccination, and Delta forcing our hand a little earlier than we hoped, we are now moving to the next … That service needs to be able to make the most of the often fragile and fleeting contact to deliver as much public …
  • Lessons From history: Helping New Zealand prepare for future influenza pandemics

    … on this NZ troopship (the Tahiti) may have contributed to a particularly severe outbreak during the 1918 influenza … at a border or area boundary) to prevent the spread of infection into an area. Such an attempt failed in 1918 in the … may be possible to institute a range of control measures after wave one of an influenza pandemic. These include …
  • Modelling tobacco tax – implications of BODE3 paper just out, and personal reflections on the research journey

    … Yesterday we published a paper in PLoS Medicine that estimates the health gains, … that can be done, there is still considerable uncertainty. After-all, we are predicting the future! But such modelling … out to the future for both Māori and non-Māori, before and after the tax intervention. Future mortality rates fall …
  • Possible strategic approaches to achieve the NZ Government’s Smokefree 2025 goal

    … tobacco control activities and implementation of a major new ‘endgame’ strategy (such as denicotinisation). This package, especially a new endgame strategy, faces political and implementation … (even at the 20% annual increase level (9)) – see Appendix A and this previous blog post . Similarly, a gradual …
  • How much of Māori:European mortality inequalities are due to socioeconomic position and tobacco?

    … that can shed light on policy-relevant questions.  A half or more of Māori:European/Other inequalities in … in mortality between Māori and European/Other by a quarter. It is hard to think of another intervention that … causal association of exposure X with outcome Y?” – that a massive methodological push has been made internationally …
  • A National risks assessment should include pandemics and other global catastrophes

    … process could be further advanced. In particular there is a need to: (i) improve future iterations of the public survey … (eg, the next one in February/March 2023); (ii) signal a move towards an integrated and comprehensive National Risks … reports can become politicised , so it is good to see that a public survey and feedback on the proposed theme of the …
  • Period Drama: How to Address Period Poverty in Aotearoa

    … out of reach. Period poverty impacts Kiwis everyday and is often an unseen problem. Period products are now available … is Period Poverty?   Many people experience periods as a mundane, if at times inconvenient, part of their everyday … missed school as a result 1 . Materially driven poverty often combines with other factors such as stigma or taboo …
  • FoodSwitch. Smartphone consumers beat industry to better labeling

    … fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt) where red means a less healthy choice (fine for an occasional treat), amber … on the back of food packaging).  These panels work to a small degree – if you have good eye sight, time, … busy shoppers, most of the time. Also the situation is often confused by other predominant messages on food …


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