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604 Results

  • How to Systematically Reduce the Border Failure Risk for COVID-19 in Aotearoa/NZ

    … With the 2020 election over and with a newly elected government, it is an excellent time for a … spread (eg, US, UK, India) until the prevalence of infection in travellers is low. This was the approach taken … indoor event attendance) for a certain number of days after each work shift? Review mechanisms of viral spread in …
  • Where do the parties stand? Taxes to protect health and reduce inequity

    … Centre contacted each of the five major parties with a set of questions about their position on five areas … have major impacts on protecting public health, building a fairer society and achieving environmental protection. A … current tax brackets to compensate for inflation. After our survey, National released its tax policy – with …
  • A new online calculator for estimating how much a society might spend on life-saving interventions

    … NZ$ 1.2 million for an intervention to save the life of a child, NZ$ 0.7 million for a 50-year-old, and NZ$ 0.2 … study was used to estimate health-adjusted life expectancy after the life-saving intervention, equivalent to … society should spend from a health system perspective is (often considerably) less. For the adventurous user, we have …
  • The long-term health burden of COVID-19: further justification for NZ’s elimination strategy

    … transmission of the pandemic virus, SARS-CoV-2, to zero by a series of public-health interventions and rapid responses … 3 . There are many aspects to this persistence of symptoms after a diagnosis of what was initially assumed to be just an … infectious capable of airborne spread an illness that is often not so devastating that it allows many infectious …
  • Tax reform pros & cons: A brief look from a Public Health perspective

    … Dr Caroline Shaw, Dr Nhung Nghiem, Prof Tony Blakely, A/Prof Ralph Chapman Tax policies have major impacts on … the issues in our table we lack detailed data, so there is often substantive uncertainty about the feasibility of the … M, Molina M, Ng S, Rivera-Dommarco JA: Changes in Prices After an Excise Tax to Sweetened Sugar Beverages Was …
  • Being forced to leave your rental home can harm health

    … Eviction, or a forced move from rental housing, is a common experience for … relationship between the tenant and landlord. Tenants had often felt a deep bond to their home: ‘I don’t know if you … housing or temporary housing. Katrina only found out long after her eviction that a loan was available to help with …
  • Why do so many fear the bicycle?

    … This is the reason given most commonly for not riding a bike on the road in New Zealand. In this blog, I summarise a paper we have just published quantifying the risk of … New Zealanders commonly engage in. For example, riding a bike to a rugby game is roughly 500 times safer than …
  • The strong case for mask requirements in public transportation and border control settings in NZ’s current COVID-19 pandemic context

    … the Government provides free masks as per Hong Kong), such a policy should be given very serious consideration by health … and border control settings Leading up to, and after New Zealand achieves its SARS-CoV-2 elimination goal, … which found that masks appeared effective in preventing infection of those passengers wearing them [6]. Benefit 5: …
  • The COVID-19 house fire and the unbearable silence of fire alarms

    … of the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in … not at its first, but at its second meeting, two months after searches  for ‘SARS’ had been spiking on WeChat  and one month after  laboratory  confirmation of a ‘SARS coronavirus’  in …
  • Reducing nicotine in smoked tobacco products: A pivotal feature of the Smokefree Aotearoa proposals

    … The NZ Government has published a discussion document outlining an Action Plan for the … VLNCs find these cigarettes unsatisfying and as a result often cut down on the number of cigarettes they smoke, have … elicited limited “compensatory” smoking for a few days, after which people who continued smoking typically showed a


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