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604 Results

  • Public Health at the Movies: A Selection of 35 Top Movies

    … We have assembled a collection of 35 high quality movies as part of public … that make them both educational and entertaining.   A systematic selection process was used for generating the … weapons that continue in the arsenals of nine countries – often with on-going processes of modernisation and expansion. …
  • Updating the role of the state: the case of housing in New Zealand

    … longer. The challenge Healthy, safe, affordable housing is a critical foundation of population health and wellbeing. … have led to increasing homelessness . This is not a new phenomenon. It has been recognised by numerous … suburbs and urban areas. In 2017, the National Government, after a 19-year hiatus, had introduced a borrowing protocol …
  • Media release: New Zealand urged to boost pandemic preparedness as bird flu spreads in US cattle

    … Public health experts are issuing a call to action for New Zealand to strengthen its pandemic … in response to the evolving threat posed by the Influenza A(H5N1) virus. This strain of what is commonly known as ‘bird … and timely access to testing, vaccines, antivirals, and infection prevention equipment like respirator grade masks …
  • Rodents running riot in supermarkets – do we need to worry?

    … humans is described as being commensal 2 which comes from a Latin word which means dining at the same table. 4 Four … there is a lack of evidence on the scale of this source of infection in NZ. While finding evidence of rodent activity … financial, and mental health consequences. 15 16 Both mild and severe leptospirosis are highly underdiagnosed. 17 …
  • Smokefree cars – an important step towards protecting children from the hazards of smoking

    … harm in Aotearoa. Secondhand smoke (SHS) is a health hazard for children and causes serious diseases, … multiple settings that exposure to SHS in cars reduces after the implementation of smokefree car laws. 9 Smokefree … SHS exposure and smoking in their presence. For example, after implementation of the 2004 Smokefree Environments …
  • Smokefree outdoor areas: A missing part of Government’s new Smokefree 2025 proposals

    … Great NZ Government Smokefree 2025 proposals, but needing a vital addition The NZ Government is to be congratulated … Māori, Pasifika and low-income New Zealanders suffer. But a major missing part is national law-based smokefree outdoor areas. The Government’s plan needs a fifth specific focus area – smoking denormalisation and …
  • Budget 2023 goes a long way to improving housing and wellbeing

    … Aotearoa New Zealand. K ā inga Ora – Home and Communities, a Crown agency, has been funded in the Budget to build an … K ā inga Ora has so far built 11,830 public homes with a further 4,500 under way. T here was a welcome reduction of 10 percent in the number of households …
  • Why are some preventable cancer deaths in Māori and Pacific peoples increasing?

    … for obesity-related cancers, tobacco-related cancers and infection-related cancers. We have just published an update … CancerTrends, in the journal BMC Cancer. The results show a changing pattern of ethnic inequalities in cancer in New … cancer was the third most important contributor only after lung and breast cancer mortality, and accounted for …
  • Social Marketing for Smokefree Aotearoa 2025: Reminding, Reinforcing, and Changing Social Norms

    … Plan to realise the Smokefree 2025 goal has signalled a more important role for social marketing. Social marketing … that condone smoking in cars (e.g. “I don’t do it often, so it can’t be too bad”), thus enabling communication … not be a panacea to challenging social problems, which often involved entrenched behaviours that had developed in …
  • The policy bonfire of environment protection: 10 examples that threaten public health

    … new Government’s approach to environmental policy shows a clear pattern towards allowing more pollution of water, … experiences 3300 premature adult deaths per year as a result of air pollution and an estimated 34,000 people … that better reflect realistic ecosystem health needs after previous versions allowed for levels of pollution that …


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