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584 Results

  • Oral tobacco and nicotine products: Quitting aid or teen addiction risk?

    … provides an overview of these products, with more detailed information on safety, efficacy and marketing to come in … tobacco but are addictive and are associated with oral health problems and several cancers including oral, … nicotine pouch market are Velo and Lyft owned by British American Tobacco (BAT) and Zyn owned by Philip Morris. In the …
  • “Appetite for Destruction”: A new book with attitude – but also strong science

    … birds . Think “Big Kahuna” on social policy. And think “Health Cheque” , a review of prioritisation in the health services. But he, and his economist co-author Geoff … you look) but also a catastrophic market and public health failure (why should fake food be easier to buy, …
  • Smokefree cars – an important step towards protecting children from the hazards of smoking

    … harm in Aotearoa. Secondhand smoke (SHS) is a health hazard for children and causes serious diseases, … governments did not act, a failure we called out in Public Health Expert blogs in 2013 and 2017 . We thus warmly … for addressing this unacceptable and entirely preventable health risk for children. The Smoke-free Environments …
  • Preventing falls can be very cost-effective in NZ – New study

    … a home-based exercise programme generated the greatest health gain and cost the least. This programme involves … (in year 2011) who participated in the programme, the health gains over the remainder of their lives would be … for the peer-led group-intervention showed similar health gains and cost-effectiveness. How does these results …
  • Taxing sugary drinks: Empirical findings out of Mexico

    … improving the control of obesity and improving child oral health in New Zealand.   ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­From 1 January 2014, … However, it was not possible to adjust for changes in health promotion activities that could also have changed SSB consumption. For example, there were health campaigns about sugary beverages, anti-obesity …
  • Five Strategic Approaches to Achieving the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Goal

    … out five potential strategies for achieving this important health and equity goal and discuss their implementation. … poverty (to which tobacco use contributes) and eliminating health inequalities (tobacco use remains a major cause of … Even a zero-fee licence would be very useful by providing information about the number of tobacco retailers and …
  • Public Health Solutions Series: Improving the cost, composition and availability of foods can save lives

    … of processed food. This blog is part of the Public Health Solutions series looking at effective public health measures to reduce demand on healthcare quickly. … food environment can have important effects on population health. Poor diet and obesity cause cardiovascular disease, …
  • The need for a robust scientific definition for the elimination of COVID-19 from New Zealand

    … should ideally be refined in collaboration with Australian health authorities, as part of a strategy of opening up our … very low level” [2]. For example, in 1991 the World Health Organization (WHO) defined the elimination of … sensitive early detection, case and contact tracing and management surveillance system is in place” [6]. A definition …
  • Regulation of alcohol marketing is needed to meet health, wellbeing and equity goals

    … described. In Aotearoa, alcohol results in a wide range of health and social harms affecting both drinkers and … and is distributed inequitably, 2,3 contributing to wider health and social inequities. Social costs of alcohol harm … media other than that which communicates objective product information”. MFAAS recommended a ban on all sports …
  • World moving forward on the smokefree generation - Aotearoa NZ goes backwards

    … an important opportunity to protect future generations' health and wellbeing. In late 2022, the Aotearoa New Zealand … smoking as a “rite of passage” to adulthood (for more information, see earlier briefings  here and  here ). 2 … preventing them getting hooked and protecting their health both now and in the future .” The UK Labour Party has …


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