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604 Results

  • In May 2022 the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 expires: what then?

    … Response Act 2020 (‘Covid Act’) expires on 13 May 2022. A further time-limited legal framework will be needed to … are therefore time-limited. The Act expires two years after its enactment, that is, 13 May 2022. The Act cannot be … subsequent suggestions to hold a review of the Act after its enactment [3]. The Finance and Expenditure …
  • A Statue of Merit: Dr Margaret Cruickshank and the 1918 influenza pandemic

    … United States. But in this blog we briefly look at a particular New Zealand statue that we think characterises … In 1897 Dr Cruickshank was the second woman to graduate after Emily Hancock Siedeberg, who was the first woman doctor … Moscow), though many have also been destroyed (sometimes after periods of ridicule with sausages regularly draped over …
  • Aotearoa’s perinatal and maternal death rates remain inequitable and unjust

    … have worse perinatal outcomes. The report has also found: A significant decrease in stillbirths, mainly between … of a pregnancy ending in perinatal death where Covid-19 infection occurred during pregnancy.  A decrease in maternal … Notably, the infection rate for pregnant women/people after 20 weeks gestation was much lower when compared with …
  • Taxing tobacco in NZ: What we know and what could be next

    A series of seven annual tobacco tax increases, typically at … it is extended by the NZ Government. In this blog we take a timely look at what is known about tobacco tax increases in … tobacco tax increases in NZ has been associated with a 23% reduction in tobacco consumption per adult (for the …
  • Bowel cancer screening – An interesting new US study and thoughts about the NZ situation

    … In this blog post we look at a new modelling study on bowel cancer screening, published in … system in some age groups. More of this in a few months (after the work has been peer-reviewed and published). But … and using colonoscopy screening right up front – not just after a positive FOBT. Colonoscopy is not cheap at about US …
  • Food poverty for NZ teens creating an achievement lag of up to four years

    … was up to four years behind their food-secure peers, even after accounting for socioeconomic deprivation. With the … biggest increase in food insecurity for children in NZ in a decade observed in 2022/23, we need more measures to … living in households where the food runs out sometimes or often jumped from 14.4% to 21.3%. For tamariki Māori, the …
  • Five actions to support New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, with a focus on Auckland

    … Auckland returns to Covid-19 elimination or transitions to a suppression approach, there are critical actions that can … suggests ongoing transmission in the community. Covid-19 infection appears to be established in groups who experience … by such cases as a truck driver found to test positive after travelling to other parts of the North Island. Planning …
  • NZ’s COVID-19 response compared to selected other jurisdictions: Australia, Taiwan and the United States

    … in NZ has involved comparing NZ’s COVID-19 response with a range of other jurisdictions, especially: Australia, Taiwan … too can probably be added to this list if the source of infection of one elderly woman is identified). Even the state … A feature of the US is that public health guidance is often delegated to states, which may then delegate to …
  • The Smokefree Generation: A core measure in New Zealand’s endgame strategy

    … number of outlets selling tobacco, and the introduction of a Smokefree Generation (SFG) policy. In this blog, we briefly … by stopping the sale of tobacco products to people born after a specified date;[11, 14, 15] the NZ Bill sets that … does not allow sales of tobacco products to anyone born after January 1, 2000.[24] Furthermore, local policies are …
  • Five Potential Enhancements of Covid-19 Outbreak Control in Aotearoa NZ

    … propose the following potential enhancements: (i) develop a robust system to allow for region-specific Alert Levels; … revealed by the Prime Minister yesterday indicates a relatively recent source of the current outbreak in … to help accelerate outbreak control. Indeed, spread of infection by essential workers has been a problem with the …


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