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635 Results

  • Why don’t we live as long and healthily as we could: social values and decision making

    … Blog. This blog is going to consider what we could do, and what we probably should not do, to improve public … We will traverse the range from birth to end of life care and death, efficiency versus equity, learning from our … health (e.g. the National Health Committee in New Zealand, or the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence …
  • The maths and ethics of minimising COVID-19 deaths in NZ

    … to clearly articulate its COVID-19 strategy: eradication or ‘flattening the curve’ mitigation. But to do so means understanding the maths and ethics of both these strategies. In this blog we adapt … that about 60% of people are infected and become immune (11/R 0 = 60%). This is herd immunity – when a high enough …
  • Can oral tobacco and nicotine products help people to stop smoking?

    … in principle the sale of oral tobacco products (e.g. snus) and oral nicotine products (e.g. pouches) in Aotearoa New … nicotine for the short-term relief of withdrawal symptoms or as a longer-term replacement source of nicotine may help … that contains tobacco, is widely used in Sweden [ Figure 1 ]. People place the pouch between their gum and lip, and
  • Long COVID Staff Clinic: Caring for carers in Taranaki

    … have a relatively high level of exposure to COVID-19 and an elevated risk of Long COVID. This article describes an … for more than 12 weeks after their acute infection 1 . Some are referring to it as a new epidemic 2 . Health … 3 . Common ongoing symptoms of Long COVID include fatigue or general malaise, headaches, cognitive impairment, …
  • “Appetite for Destruction”: A new book with attitude – but also strong science

    … tomorrow Gareth Morgan is known as a smart economist and a bit of a stirrer of public debate.  Think domestic cat … to save birds . Think “Big Kahuna” on social policy. And think “Health Cheque” , a review of prioritisation in the … a global food market and technological progress. Whoops. (Or more technically, ‘market failure’.) So how do Morgan and
  • Smoking denormalization and tobacco endgames

    … health risks it poses became clear. Government policies and social marketing campaigns have progressively reduced … lives by defining what practices we view as acceptable (or not) and how we feel others perceive us.[1] Norms lead us to modify our behaviour as we move from one …
  • Period Drama: How to Address Period Poverty in Aotearoa

    … additional difficulties because products like tampons and pads are priced out of reach. Period poverty impacts … when the prohibitive cost of products such as tampons or pads stops people from going to work or school 1-2 . Period poverty refers to the specific impact of …
  • A Smokefree Aotearoa Action Plan: Why this could eliminate smoking disparities for Māori

    … step forward in how we think about tobacco control 1 . The Plan specifically references eliminating smoking related inequities, strengthening Māori governance and fulfilling government commitments to Te Tiriti o Waitangi … youth to resist influences for taking up smoking or supporting smoking cessation). While important, these …
  • World Ventil8 Day – How do our buildings measure up?

    … of ventilation as a crucial part of enabling health and wellbeing. Breathing clean air is so often ignored or poorly understood – and we usually only notice when there … such as cooking, cleaning, showering, and heating. 1 Inhaling these pollutants over time can cause respiratory …
  • Public Health Solutions Series: Achieving a Smokefree Aotearoa

    … before Parliament which could rapidly, substantially and equitably reduce smoking prevalence : mandated denicotinisation and a reduction in tobacco retailer s. We do not consider the … .    Most health impacts occur after many years or decades of smoking. However, stopping smoking rapidly …


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