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604 Results

  • “Appetite for Destruction”: A new book with attitude – but also strong science

    …   Book launched tomorrow Gareth Morgan is known as a smart economist and a bit of a stirrer of public debate.  Think domestic cat control to …
  • Antiviral stockpiles for pandemic preparedness: Time for a careful rethink?

    … As part of influenza pandemic readiness, NZ has a 32 million dollar stockpile of antiviral drugs. But given … here in the NZ Medical Journal ) – albeit a relatively mild pandemic compared to previous ones. Part of the NZ … antivirals. This review benefited from the inclusion (after a long process of requesting them) of “107 clinical …
  • Tobacco industry ‘transformation’ – more smoke and mirrors?

    … the Tobacco Control 30 th anniversary issue and consider a response from tobacco industry spokespeople. 2 Finally, we … to exclusive use of NNTPs. However, marketing approaches often target young people resulting in high uptake of vaping … have a superficial appeal. For example, they acknowledge, after decades of opposing almost all regulatory measures, …
  • Public health priorities in this election year

    … our Public Health Priorities Series, which highlights a range of public health challenges linked by a need for decision-makers to act.  These are all areas where … at the emerging threat of invasive Group A Streptococcal infection and the health impact of recent flooding. There …
  • Reducing the spread of antibiotic resistance in New Zealand, action is long overdue!

    … inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in NZ will impose a high cost in increased death and disability from … caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria for many months after the treatment course. 4 Furthermore, their household … of humans, where they usually cause no harm, and often contribute greatly to the health of the colonised …
  • An open letter to Cabinet Ministers from 74 health professors calling for a sugary drinks tax

    … In this Public Health Expert blog, we reproduce a letter that appeared in the NZ Herald on 2 April 2016. … available evidence on sugary drinks taxes (see Annex 1, after signatures). They have concluded that such taxes are … University of Otago, Dunedin David Murdoch Pathology, The Infection Group, University of Otago, Christchurch Dawn Elder …
  • Lessons from Canada for NZ: Carbon, Cycling, Tobacco, Nutrition and Cannabis

    … Canada has a number of progressive public policies which can influence … protein foods Choose proteins that come from plants more often When you can, consume unsaturated fats instead of … eg:  “ WARNING: Do not drive or operate machinery after using cannabis.  More than 4,000 Canadians were injured …
  • Vaccination is often cost-effective but not (currently) HPV vaccination for boys in NZ

    … This blog looks at a study we just published on a cost-utility analysis around … results into a wider context of vaccination – which is often, but not always, a good use of limited health sector … would always be a better investment. Vaccination of boys, after achieving a more intensive (73% uptake) for girls, only …
  • Bioethicists, scientists and politicians; decision-making in a pandemic

    … well covered. Part of this success was built upon having a clear ethical framework for managing a pandemic that had … Attitudes and Values Study conducted a survey before and after the Covid-19 level 4 lockdown. It showed that trust in … makers. The role of scientists is to interpret the often-uncertain knowledge that we have so that information …
  • The Island Bay cycleway – Terribly important and nothing new

    … This is a sensible move to make the city safer and more attractive … done with the delicacy of the Soviet occupation of Berlin after 1945”. (However some of the least satisfactory aspects … of consents), remarkably little effort goes into learning after the event. In terms of cycling infrastructure and …


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