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604 Results

  • Backing off international infant formula standards: A retrograde step

    … Summary Infant nutrition is a key determinant of health. The International Code of … infants be exclusively breastfed for the first six months after birth, with continuation of breastfeeding into the … persuasive marketing tools, extremely cost effective and often not easily recognizable as breast-milk …
  • The marked decline of sudden mass fatality events in NZ (1900 to 2015)

    … the main findings of this new study? Our study (1) found a total of 56 sudden mass fatality events with 10 or more … buildings, and in some cases new laws may have helped (eg, after the 1990 Aramoana mass shooting involving … typically beneficial, given regulations and laws passed after some of them. For example, other researchers (2) have …
  • A preventable measles epidemic: Lessons for reforming public health in NZ

    … population health threats. We argue for consolidating a range of dispersed public health activities into a strong … However, this institution was disestablished in 1995 after just three years operation [ 7 ]. Since then, public … promotion and emergency management. These skills are often in short supply in a small country like NZ.  …
  • World moving forward on the smokefree generation - Aotearoa NZ goes backwards

    … Tobacco) Amendment Act (SERPA) that would have introduced a smokefree generation (SFG). Unlike Aotearoa New Zealand, … the SFG proposes a birthyear approach: anyone born after a specified date may never legally be sold tobacco … inadvertently suggest tobacco use is safe or acceptable after a certain age, potentially positioning smoking as a
  • Government funding of interpreters in Primary Care is needed to ensure quality care

    … interpreters were needed to enable Primary Care to look after Covid-19 patients in the community and the Ministry of … Experience in the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted a number of important issues in our health care system. There has been a lot of focus on inequitable outcomes particularly for Māori …
  • Running into Trouble: COVID-19 in Japan during the Tokyo Olympics

    … to hold the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the middle of a global pandemic. These impacts include direct effects on … The initial state of emergency was lifted on 25 May 2020, after the number of daily new cases in Tokyo decreased from a … observational study that monitored respiratory tract infection (RTI) cases reported in Team Finland using nasal …
  • Advance Care Planning – good for patient care and better use of health dollars?

    … care and end of life care. In its delivery, this seems a very clinically focussed, individual health care process, … in 2036. It is highly likely deaths will exceed 50,000 after 2051” (3) Joan lived alone in a small council … over the weekend and was admitted to hospital with a chest infection. I visited her on Monday afternoon. I saw her in …
  • Key findings on smoking and e-cigarette use prevalence and trends in the 2020/21 NZ Health Survey

    … from the 2018/19 and 2019/20 NZ Health Surveys (NZHS), a rolling survey conducted every year since 2011/12. These analyses revealed a steady but unspectacular decrease in smoking prevalence … in April 2021, though implementation of the law occurred after the completion of the survey in November 2021. However, …
  • NZ’s “Team of 5 million” has achieved the lowest COVID-19 death rate in the OECD – but there are still gaps in our pandemic response

    … appears to be the only one to succeed with elimination at a national level. But despite the success of the “team of 5 … controls. This is currently underway by the NZ Government after several well-publicised events indicating inadequate … rooms until their first negative test result was available after 3-4 days. Arrivals with substance addictions could be …
  • Covid-19 Case-Fatality Risk & Infection-Fatality Risk – important measures to help guide the pandemic response

    … useful mortality indicators: Case-Fatality Risk (CFR) and Infection-Fatality Risk (IFR). We estimate the cumulative CFR … the Omicron variant is, compared to previous variants, after it spread widely when border control failed in early … As we have discussed previously , NZ has managed through a range of public health   measures  to maintain a relatively …


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